We are pleased to invite you to the second edition of the largest Romanian geocaching international event.
20-22 August 2010, Brasov
20-22 August 2010, Brasov
Transilvania GeoQuest 2010
Ancient bastions, towers, walls, streets, stairs and squares, bourgeois houses, old monasteries and churches, craftman's workshops and bridges. Experience geocaching in a medieval town, chasing riddles in the middle of Transylvania's hills.
Currently, there are 47 registered participants, with a total of 88 people
Situated in the heart of Romania, the city of Brasov benefits from the influence of an ancient history.. At the beginning 13th century the Saxons (German population coming from the region of Rhein and Mosel) colonised the region of Brasov, finding here a strong Romanian community. The genuine character of the city will come from the mixture of two different cultures and mentalities.